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it's all about meeeee!

Wei Lin :D
Studying in SP, Events & Project Management.
I love my family. friends. crazy/fun people. flute. braces. bags. heels(but i don't fancy wearing them). ice cream. chocolate. food. hot pink. bright colours. dogs. laughing. shopping. day dreaming. eating. sleeping. luo zhi xiang. kim hyun joong. and J H Cheong! :)

imma hum birdbird.

talk to me

My Angels
Designer/ %PURPUR.black-

XiaoZhu Derrick Hoh Huayi Band SWS Youth Winds DEPM 03 Awesomelittlethings BE Club SP Squash

Aiwen Amelina Alson Cerlyn Edwin Eileen Faizah Gengzhong Gervina Guoting Harry Hilda Jiaojun Joanna Louis Seokmin Sheryl Shihui Sokhwee Sweeling Timothy Valerie Xueling Zavier Zhiwen

Aishah Amalyna Chuan en Cedric Daphne Evelyn Farid Fiona Hasina Janet Jennifer Jinfang Kathleen Keith Kiathua Marcus Mingsiu Nures Pamela Rachael Rahman Shiffa Shumin Skye Xavier Yihao Yunting

Aaron (SWS Youth) Dickson (ITE East) Hui Yi (NP) Joeven (SWS) Rachel (JPS) Wen Ling (GIOR) Yi Fang (JPS) Yun Rui(SWS Youth)

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May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 August 2009 October 2009

/Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back At One by Brian McKnight.

love this song!

3:00 PM

/Wednesday, August 26, 2009
No, I'm not deleting my blog just yet. I wanna keep all the beautiful memories and read them in future! Kinda regret deleting my previous few blogs which were created during sec sch days, would have died laughing reading all the childish posts.

Anyhow, I'm back because I'm bored with all the muggings plus my laptop's been revived, thats why I rmbed the existence of this blog. Guess I've lost all my readers (not that I have a lot in the first place) since they must have thought it died long long time ago. If anyone still comes to my blog and read this, pls tag and I owe you a Oreo Mcflurry :) reward for being loyal. heh

The reward is only applicable to the people I know.

4:12 PM

/Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I feel bad sometimes;

that I'm no longer keeping close contacts with my sec sch mates,
that I'm so lazy to even organize gatherings,
that I stopped being concerned about their life.

Don't worry, I'm not feeling all emo now. Just missing the secondary school days; chionging Maple Story, going for band practices every tuesdays and fridays, creating havoc in class, shouting for Maaaaaaaaaaadam Yeooooooooooooo! and many more. How I wish everything hadn't changed. We're just not making enough effort to keep this friendship going. We're just too busy with our own life. I WANT BACK THE GOOD OLD DAYS! I still love you guys hahahaha! :)

On another note, the speed H1N1 virus is spreading is sooooooo scary! New cases every day in Singapore, while Australia has over 500 cases in a day! Honestly, they should just close down the airport. Of coz that would be after sending back all the foreigners back to their respective hometown. I know I know, that will greatly affect the country's economy, moreover during this downturn. But would you rather suffer for a while or risk the lives of your people? Okay la, I'm hum. I don't wanna die yet okay!

Air France jet's disappearance, H1N1. So many tragedies happening now. Is the world coming to an end? If yes, let's flee to the Bermuda Triangle. I heard it's a paradise down there.

Just kidding la! HAHAHAHA~ But I'm really curious about what's exactly 'down there'. Maybe I'll visit the triangle before I die.

Let's pray that there'll be more clues to the Air France jet incident!

1:15 AM

/Sunday, May 24, 2009
I'm fuming right now I can feel all the blood vessels in my head bursting. I'll definitely get hit by high blood pressure. ARGHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Anyway, do you know that when a person is angry, they will tend to use hurtful words and be extremely mean when they actually don't mean it? How can you think properly when you're boiling, right? It's like you just got possessed by an angry ghost and whatever you do/say is beyond your control. Therefore, whatever that person says should not be taken into account and ought to be thrown away like trash. It's according to a scientific research done by TANWEILIN Human Behaviour Research Centre.

And if it's so easy to control your emotions, why do psychologists even exist? HUH HUH HUH?! YOU TELL ME YOU TELL ME YOU TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I need a chill pill.

3:37 PM

/Saturday, April 4, 2009

Okay it's regarding the wireless connection. I want to bring my laptop there cos it's freaking 9 days and I'm afraid you all will miss me like mad. So I guess there's a need to allow communication between us regardless of where I'm at haha. And yes! they have free wireless connection, even in our own hotel room!

Click to enlarge!

Hahaha funny right. Initially I just typed in English, but I was afraid they don't understand and never reply so I included Chinese as well. I even typed Chen Xiao Jie which made me sound very old. And after so many years, I kena lost touch with Chinese words so I have to use online translator to translate into traditional chinese (fyi, my chinese very good one okay!). I'm so nice and considerate ^^ Yay! now I know wireless connection is "Wu Xian Shang Wang" and Yours Sincerely is "Jin Shang". Cool shit. I'm like the smartest girl in the world. Who would think of sending the hotel an email regarding wireless (and type in traditional chinese somemore) other than MEEEEEEEEE. wahahahaha! I'm so proud of myself I'm gonna print that email out and frame it :)

12:00 AM

Fly Me To The Moon - Westlife